Our Council Committees
Our Church Council is elected by the congregation and has the primary responsibility for leading the congregation. It is made up of fifteen ruling elders and the pastors. It carries out its work through five primary committees, and two specialty committees.
The Education, Music and Worship Committee is charged with overseeing our Sunday morning program. Working with the Pastors and Director of Music Ministry, we oversee the service of worship, choir and music ministry, church school, bible study and adult education. It is chaired by Phyllis Worthington.
The Council’s responsibilities for finances and facilities are being ably handled by the Budget, Finance and Property Committee. The name seems self-explanatory. The committee works directly with the finance office, our investment firm, the auditors, as well as contractors. Troy Millard chairs this committee.
Discipleship is how we live out with our lives what we learn in worship. From planning programs at Kingsley House, to church meals, to refugee resettlement and sponsoring Young Adult Volunteers, discipleship tries to model what it means to follow Jesus and provide opportunities for us to do so. The Committee is led by Mike Doehring.
The congregation has the primary responsibility of caring for one another. In 2016 we developed a Member Care (Everybody Cares) Committee, led by three council members to oversee our ministry of caring. Ruth Doehring and Deirdre Lewin currently chair this committee, which works closely with the Rolls and Records Clerk..