Church School Program
On Sunday mornings, following a hymn and prayer, children are invited forward for a brief children’s message. After the message, children from birth to seventh grade leave the sanctuary with their teachers to their church school classes. We offer three classes:
Godly Play 1 (ages 3 to second grade); and
Godly Play 2 (third to eighth grades).
Children in all three classes experience stories from the Bible through storytelling, music and art. All of our teachers are trained in the Godly Play approach, based on Montessori principles to create a child centered, biblically based program of learning for all ages.
The church school program is overseen by our Church School Superintendent and a robust team of trained teachers.
Interfaith Activities
We strive to teach the youth about other faiths and how these faiths are celebrated. We find commonalities and ask questions to deepen our understanding. As a result of these activities, we encourage empathy and a deeper, richer awareness of the world around us and to inspire a respect of cultures and religions of people near and far.