Join us
Regular Bible Study
Regular Bible Study meets on Sundays after the service. The study of scripture in community with others grounds our life together in the justice, love and peace manifest in the life of Jesus Christ.
Book Discussion Group
Book Discussions are led by Michael Doehring, the book club meets by conference call every Third Tuesday of each month, beginning on Tuesday September 24th. Participants in the book club take turns selecting the book for the coming month, then the interesting conversations begin to take place. Please call the church (914 761 8585) for details on how to join the discussion.
Confirmation Class
A confirmation program will be available for youth in 8th or 9th grades. This is a special class to learn about God and the church and provides a pathway to membership for young people.
We gather to study, worship, encourage one another, and share life together

We celebrate communion during worship the first Sunday of each month; all are welcome to share in the Sacrament!
Coffee Hour
“Coffee Hour” (which includes coffee, tea, juice and goodies to eat!) immediately follows the services giving us opportunities to meet new friends and to enjoy those we already know.
Social Activities
Lunches and other get togethers are open to all and also will be publicized in advance on the website and in the Sunday Bulletin.
Families with children join together for fun and faith in game nights various activities and these events will be publicized in advance on the website and in the Sunday Bulletin.
Prayer Ministry
Our Prayer Ministry meets once a month to remember, share and pray for those especially in need of the Lord’s guidance, mercy and comfort. Prayer requests submitted during Sunday services are also the focus of prayers of the ministry members throughout the week. Anyone who wishes to is welcome to join.