Worship with us Sundays at 10:00 am
Join us in community

On the south side of our church is the bustling modern city of White Plains. To the north is our historic cemetery with the oldest of the graves going back to 1709. And in between the cemetery and the city is a beautiful stone building where Presbyterians worship today. Built on the land that was donated in 1714, and where two previous Presbyterian houses of worship once stood, it reflects over three hundred and ten years of warm welcome to all who enter its doors and their faithful devotion to God.
Our community serves
Christian Education
Adult and youth – including Church School - opportunities for learning
Responsible for offering some financial support of charitable organizations outside our own church
Charged with the care of those attending our church and especially those who have special needs, arranging social events and visiting the homebound and hospitalized
Fiscal responsibility for the running of the church
Overseeing the care, maintenance and safety of the church property
Worship and Music
Responsible for worship services and all that is a part of those services
Tech and Publicity
Publicizing the church and overseeing the website and communications
There are many ways of serving the Lord, and we at the WPPC are blessed with devoted people
who commit in different ways to serving God through serving the church.
The leadership of all Presbyterian Churches (PCUSA) is divided between the Clergy person/s
and lay (ie non clergy) members with both having vital roles in the administration of the church committees.
The Session is the body of lay members elected by the congregation that is ultimately
responsible for the administration of the church, together with the minister.
There are also various committees made up of members of the church, that oversee different
aspects of life in the church.
In the WPPC these committees are:
Service to the Community
The WP Church’s Discipleship Committee carries out our commitment to assisting those in need outside our own community though by our offerings national and international aid and locally we support the WP Mayors Summer Camp Fund and organizations such as Kingsley House, CSA (Community Supported Agriculture, and also support a local food pantry with our donations.