"In a world gone mad with mistrust and alienation, the church (like never before) must present faith as a dynamic and relevant force for change"
- Wendell BErry
The White Plains Presbyterian Church is a historic, dynamic, and growing congregation. As a diverse church community, we present the Christian faith as engaging and relevant.
We worship each Sunday at 10:00am. In worship we blend different musical styles, share in an inclusive liturgy and listen for God's Word through thought-provoking, socially-aware preaching. We celebrate Holy Communion the first Sunday of every month. You will find a warm welcome within our multi-cultural congregation both within worship and at the coffee hour which follows. We welcome you to attend worship in-person, and ask you to wear a mask and sit in every other row. For those who do not yet feel comfortable attending in person, we send out a recorded video of the service. If you would like to be added to our email distribution for Wednesday mid-week newsletter and Sunday morning worship announcements, please subscribe below!
We welcome and celebrate the presence of children in worship. Our nurturing program for young children is currently in redevelopment. Additionally, we have programs for middle school and high school youth.
(Click here if you would like us to contact you!)